Announcing A Peregrine’s Path

The first issue of my newsletter goes out to subscribers this weekend.

A Peregrine’s Path
News of Stephen’s upcoming releases, previews of his books, and exclusive offers from
Peregrine Publishing

Subscribe now and GET A FREE EBOOK

The Way to Vict’ry

Three haiku inspired by Sun Tzu, Matthieu Ricard and a magpie flight instructor

The Way to Vict’ry

To give you an idea of what’s inside the newsletter, here are the contents of the first issue:

Things my dad used to say
Or which advice to take and which to ignore

Littlelot at large
Two ebooks from Peregrine Publishing

Meet Roy
Terror wight cover model

Coming up
A Pilgrimage to Barbizon, the Great Horn of the Unicorn and the Serpent at the End of the World!

I hope you’ll join me on

A Peregrine’s Path